Saturday, June 12, 2010

A new project

Hello blogworld!

My name is Erik and this is my new project/blog..."Build Something. Every Day."
This blog is intended to be both about documenting projects that I am working on, be they literally physically building something (like a tea shelf), or simply making productive forward progress in any real direction.

As things currently sit, my best and most useful camera is built into my telephone...that is to's not very good. So please bear with me as someday in the near future I will purchase a digital camera that I can avoid being ashamed of.

Since I do have a small backlog of things I'd like to post pictures and stories regarding...there will probably be a few rapid updates (even today perhaps) describing these previous events/projects etc.

Also worth noting is that if, by chance you have any neat contributions that you'd like to make to this blog, like the documentation of you creating something awesome, shoot me an email...I'd love to put it up.

So without further delay, I hear by christen this blog with a dirty coffee pot the "U.S.S. Buildsomethingeveryday!"

In the eternal words of Bob The Builder, "Can we build (fix) it? YES WE CAN."


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